Would you pause for this old bird?

holy isle insight mindfulness retreat wisdom Jul 09, 2023
Cormorant sea gazing on Holy Isle

Can you remember the last time something stopped you in your tracks?  Something that broke you out of the constant chattering of the mind, just to gasp in awe for a brief moment. 

I came across this wise old bird on Holy Isle.  

Just gazing out to sea contemplating the wonders of the world or maybe the next fish.  It was definitely a pause moment for me. 

When I first booked this retreat on Holy Isle, I was filled with excitement at the prospect of returning to this gorgeous place.  I was last there in 2019 during my first year at uni.

Water, mountains and wild life, but most of all a little bit of stillness because it's definitely easier to still the inner world when the outer world is less chaotic.

Yet as the trip approached I became more and more apprehensive about travelling solo and not knowing anyone else on the retreat.  Doesn't apprehensive sound better than fear?

I recognised that's what it was.  The fear response building up stories about being trapped on an island with difficult people.  Images about feeling foolish trying to do yoga moves.  Irritation that the timetable wasn't clearer about what was involved in each session.  Even when I got to Ardrossan on the morning of the trip, I almost turned back.

Yet that wise little voice, the one that always seems to know better, urged me to get on the ferry and when I arrived at this beautiful, peaceful place it was everything I'd hoped for.

Simple days with lovely warm people, freshly prepared food and time to just be.  Oh and guess what! -  lots of solo people  who were just as nervous as I was, about some aspects of the retreat.

The mindfulness was calming and part of this process is that when we allow the mind to be still there is always some deep insight available to us. It isn't complex, it's those little aha moments that challenge a belief or solve a problem that's been plaguing us.  This quiet space certainly sent me a message to self and it was loud and clear.  All of the fears and stuff I thought was coming at me from the outside world, is actually coming at me from the inside.

I've probably read that somewhere but it's often when we experience something that the message really lands.  Now if you're interested in taking a little tour of the wild life and the waters on this lovely island, you can find the video on YouTube by searching for The Emotional Hustle or pasting the link below.


Whisk yourself off to Holy Isle for probably the calmest 4 minutes of the week. 

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