It's Time...

To Retreat & Reset

Sunday 2nd June

MBLC Wirral

Sunday 2nd June,  

The moment you enter the doors of this gorgeous historic building, you'll get the sense that this is a day to leave the rest of the world behind, at least for a few hours.  After all, that's exactly what Sundays are for, but somehow along the way we've lost that sense of just being.

That's what mindfulness really is, a sense of just being where we are with whatever is happening for us.  It's our busy minds and expectations that continually keep pushing us forward disregarding any need to stop and pause.

Life can be challenging and often the easiest option seems to be to just keep pushing through until our circumstances change but here's the interesting thing.  I meet stressed women from every generation:

  • Students struggling with deadlines, part-time jobs and small children
  • Mums balancing careers and families
  • Women struggling with careers in toxic cultures
  • Daughters supporting elderly parents
  • Women who feel like they're in the wrong career or not fulfilling their purpose

Often one challenge subsides just to be replaced by another.  One day the world seems fine, the next day the same circumstances just don't work for us.  This is the nature of the inner turmoil that keeps our stress response system ticking over.   Life will always have those Yin and Yang days, but but when we lose sight of what brings us joy, or even downplay it's importance, life just tips over into what can feel like a battle.  

Professor Paul Gilbert's model of the emotional system demonstrates how not making that time for our own pleasures can push us into a strive and survive mode.  This lack of emotional balance can leave the threat system continually elevated with no opportunity for the chemicals of stress to subside.  When this happens we not only feel on edge for no reason, we may start to notice that we're more prone to irritation or breaking down into tears.  It can begin to impact our relationships at home and work and just makes everything harder than it needs to be.  Often we feel like we can't afford to slow down but the longer we push through the more likely we are to reach that point of burn out or exhaustion.  This is the body's way of forcing us to stop.

Stress exists to keep us out of danger and we cannot intercept it's very powerful and fast reaction.  However, stress is a long line of physical and mental reactions some of which prolong our exposure or keep the body returning to the stress reaction when it doesn't need to.  What we can do is learn how that chain reaction works and how we can use mindfulness to apply gentle techniques to reset when we need to.

During this mindfulness retreat day you will

  • come to understand and experience that calm mind and body
  • learn to tune into the messages from the body
  • come to understand the busy mind and how we can settle it
  • discover what peace of mind actually is and how we move towards it
  • discover life changing techniques that you can take away and apply again and again
  • receive free access to our app for a year 

So whether you're struggling with relationships; dumbing down your career for fear of burn out; or not living out your purpose, this day will give you some space to get back to yourself. 


It's time to retreat, relax and learn...

Before I discovered mindfulness and came to understand the science behind how our thoughts and emotions are generated, I thought I was broken. I didn't realise that I probably had full-time anxiety because what we're used to is normal for us.  When I became burnt out, I was diagnosed as depressed, yet I never felt down, I felt physically and mentally exhausted.

I want to share what I've learnt in a space where people feel safe and comfortable which is why I've chosen this lovely location.  We'll have a dedicated space at the Leasowe Castle fully equipped with cushions, blankets and refreshments.  Bring anything you need to make yourself at home, just come along and switch off. 

This is time out and more as you gain genuine insight into emotional balance techniques that will help you through the challenges of life.

So allow me to guide you through the knowledge and the guided practices that have helped me over the past 5 years.

What our customers are saying..

Lou Poyser

"The whole day was just incredible it exceeded all my expectations. The welcome, location, food, content, pace and overall experience was just incredible. Julie’s pace led the group along seamlessly and the tasks were perfect. The mindfulness sessions were embedded into the day for maximum effect and I left with a just had a massage feeling of chillness and contentment. Looking forward to the next retreat so much. Started my Easter holidays off perfectly. Thank you Julie.🙏"

Jacqui Woods

"Thoroughly enjoyed my mindful day retreat with Julie.
To take time out for me alongside like minded people and discover I'm not alone with my experiences was reassuring.
Julie's guided meditations left me feeling refreshed and renewed.
If you need an introduction to mindfulness then seek out Julie whose experienced, empathetic, connected and caring nature will support you into your mindfulness journey."

Laura Seymour

"I had the pleasure of attending one of these incredible retreats. I was delighted to meet some beautiful like-minded souls. The practises throughout the day were truly lovely and I came away feeling so relaxed and refreshed. Great food, amazing teacher and I look forward to many more. Laura, Editor Wirral Well Being Magazine."

Reserve My Place

 We'll discuss... 

  • Stress as a chain reaction
  • What mindfulness and meditation are
  • How mindfulness intercepts stress
  • How to reconnect with our body and the powerful messages it provides
  • Why our minds constantly worry and how to settle them
  • Paul Gilbert's emotional model and how we can find emotional balance
  • What peace of mind is and how we move towards it

Using gentle and calm mindfulness practices, you will learn how to 

  • tune into the wisdom of the body to recognise the early signs of stress
  • use mindfulness techniques to interrupt patterns of stress and settle the nervous system
  • use mindfulness techniques to settle the constant chatter or worry that often contributes to stress
  • use visualisation techniques to introduce emotional balance


Stress is an emotive subject;  the science is fascinating and understanding it can motivate us to adopt new techniques.  However, the primary focus of the day is learning to switch off - a delicate balance between learning, following guided practices and hopefully fascinating discussions.  That's why the retreat day includes around 2 hours of guided practices spread across the day, continually bringing us back to that state of rest.


You'll leave with a set of easy to follow tools that you can implement anytime you need to.   Just to provide added support, you'll also get a year's free access to 4 products on our app.

Get life back on track on this relaxing and informal retreat day.

Offer Details

Limited to 12 places, bookings close Sunday 12th May. 

  • Retreat day at the Leasowe Castle, all cushions, blankets, seating provided.
  • Welcome breakfast, morning refreshments, a light lunch and afternoon refreshments.
  • 4 guided mindfulness practices interspersed with short topic discussions.
  • A year's access to 4 products on our App worth £105.  

As the venue requires payment in advance, cancellations on or after 21st May will only be refunded, if we are able to resell your place. 

Reserve My Place

Yours to Take Away...

Need to switch off at home.  This fantastic retreat day includes four products to take away:

  • The Quick and Simple Guide to Stress including the bonus module - dealing with overwhelm
  • Sleepy Nights to get you off to sleep in 30 minutes
  • Guided compassion journeys to support you when you need time out - Beautiful Journeys
  • Daily mind training - 10 minutes per day for just 21 days to get your morning mind into good shape - Challenge 21.

Retailing at £105, this is included in the retreat day offer of £135 or £114.75 if booked by 28th April. 

What's Included

The experience is limited to 12 people and runs from 9.30am to 4pm. 

The Space & the Food!

A beautiful dedicated area - make yourself at home.  Includes:

  • blankets and cushions but feel free to bring anything you need

  • Pastries, tea & coffee on arrival

  • Early morning refreshments

  • A light lunch

  • Afternoon refreshments 

The Tools

Throughout the day you will experience the power of mindfulness implementing basic techniques you can use anytime you need to.  For your on-going support,  we've also included a year's access to our digital platform including our stress management course & book, a sleep aid, a mind training tool and compassion practices. 

Overnight accommodation is available for an additional cost and should be booked separately if required.

Our Approach:

Even talking about stress can feel stressful and on this day you'll find out why.   With that in mind, mindfulness is a gentle approach that meets you where you are.  We'll take you through the material allowing you to experience mindfulness tools and absorb the information.

Guided practices will bring the material to life so both the mind and body learn the tools you need to tackle stress.

4 guided practices will be included introducing a gentle relaxing flow to the day whilst we tackle some of the challenges around stress. 

In mindfulness we have a saying that "in just turning up for yourself, you are doing something in your own greatest interest".

*Limited to 12 places, bookings close 12th May.*

As the venue requires payment in advance, cancellations on or after 21st May will only be refunded, if we are able to resell your place. 

Reserve My Place

More Details

Why mindfulness?   

Mindfulness has been a feature of Eastern culture for thousands of years.  We are all born with the capacity to be mindful but somewhere along the way our busy minds take over.

Mindfulness is a gentle way of approaching our experience which unfolds uniquely for each of us. It allows us to start where we are, and go at our own pace simply working with the edges.


Join the Community

Once you're signed up to Just Breathe you are part of a conscious community.  We are dedicated to using a percentage of our profits  to provide education and mindfulness support to communities that don't have access.  



Typical benefits

  • Learning to take time out can have an immediate impact on our well being and sleep patterns.
  • We can learn to  balance our emotions and experience more happiness in our lives.
  • Getting less caught up in stress impacts our immune system, our well being and can even influence our sleep patterns.
  • You are guided in a safe and supported environment that encourages  compassion around all experiences.  This brings benefits to ourselves and those we interact with.  
  • Mindfulness practice can rewire the connections between the threat system and the executive function giving us greater control over our reactions.

The Experience

  • Allow from 9.30 - 4pm for the full experience
  • You will learn the basics of mindfulness, the importance of tuning into our body and the science of emotional balance and kindness.
  • There will be 4 guided practices each with it's own unique benefits which will be explained on the day. 
  • The day will include an opportunity to talk through your experience if you want to.
  • You will also  enjoy light refreshments with like minded people.
  • Practices are usually done lying down, contact us if you have any special requirements.

Meet your guide

Mindfulness has changed my life in so many ways.  It's helped me to work with stress, deal with narcissism and to live each day in colour. 

What I love about this course is the information it provides around how our mind and body works.  These little insights really encourage us to take a step back and reflect on our inner world.

The language of the guidance also delivers a sense of safety and curiousity.

I work better with small groups and believe this creates space to talk and learn from each other without the awkwardness that might arise in larger gatherings. 



Julie has a masters degree in mindfulness from Aberdeen University and specialises in mindfulness based stress interruption and qualified to teach with the British Mindfulness Association.  Julie also has diplomas in life coaching, NLP and a masters in I.T.