Miracle March 2025

Monday 24th February 6 weeks


"This chaotic, cluttered scene bears no comparison to what we might imagine as the starting point, for a profound life changing transformation.  Perhaps we believe that transformation comes with a huge sign post, saying start here, or perfect spiritual conditions.  Mine began with a disgruntled cat; a drafty 70's conservatory; a house full of chaos and a book recommendation from a friend"  extract from The Emotional Hustle, Julie Perrigo.

In 2017 I read the Miracle Morning and it set me on a path that has literally been life changing.  Never in a million years could I have envisaged teaching mindfulness and yet 6 years on I've found a pursuit that has reignited my passion for life. In 2021 I re-read the book with a group of friends and each of them found it inspiring in different ways.

This year, I'm going in for a third time.... and I'm taking a small group of people with me - it really is worth the time.

It's really simple, if you're stuck and want to make 2024 the year you turn things around, or perhaps you have a niggling thought that something is missing, this book can help you reclaim your life, the one you were born to live. 

Come along - it's definitely going to be an experience.



What is the Miracle Morning? 

In some ways you could say the miracle morning is a book that describes a set of practices that we can follow in the morning.  The author has studied the habits of successful people to find out what a good morning routine looks like, you know - the routine that really gets us set up for the day.  BUT... this isn't just a personal development or self help book.  It's not a leadership hack.  These practices go so much deeper than we can imagine when we start our gentle journey of discovery.

Imagine you've lived in your house for 15 years and know every single inch of it.   It's new year and you're going to redecorate and revamp it.  You're completely energised and excited for the project ahead.

As you get to stripping one of the rooms you notice a door that has been covered over.  Despite living in the house for 15 years, this is a door you've never seen before.

With a little awe and anticipation, you turn the handle and push open the door.   It's a small space but it's filled to the brim with books, ideas and images that take your imagination beyond your wildest dreams.  These ideas provoke your thinking, your perceptions and re-ignite that passion for life.  The miracle morning takes us beyond the logical, tapping into that real sense of self that hides just below the surface.

Are you ready to turn the handle and peek inside?

What's Included

Monday 26th February, 8pm - Meet & greet over zoom 

The experience is limited to 10 people and this is your chance to meet each other.  I'll guide you step by step through the content so you know exactly what to expect.  I'll explain the science and benefits behind what we're doing because you'll probably need that motivation for that first 6am call. 

Tuesday 27th February - virtual doors open at 5.55am and at 6am, after a short topical introduction, I'll guide you through a simple 10 minute meditation.  By 6.15 am you'll be done.

From then onwards, we'll meet at 6am, every week day and this will continue throughout March, excluding bank holidays.

There'll be a weekly discovery exercise to complete which will take about 30 minutes and there'll be a section of the book to read.

Each Monday, we'll meet at 8pm for an hour, to discuss a section of the book and your experience so far.  I'll talk through the next topic and explain your task for the week. The last session will be on Monday 1st April at 8pm and if you want to celebrate in style, book onto our retreat on Sunday 6th April.

  • Limited to 10 people
  • Private WhatsApp group
  • 23 morning meditation sessions,
  • morning session recordings via our app,
  • 6 program sessions,
  • 5 self discovery exercises
  • Personal copy of the Miracle Morning and your journal delivered to your door
  • Ongoing support and accountability 

When you reserve your spot, you'll  receive your personal copy of this inspirational book which we'll read week by week. Don't start without us!




What You'll Experience:

  • These events always attract people who are curious about what makes humans tick, so you'll meet some fascinating people
  • You'll understand what meditation does for our brain, hormones and emotional state
  • Why journaling goes much deeper than writing our thoughts in a diary
  • How affirmations really work and how we can use them to free the inner critic
  • How and why top performers and athletes use visualisation and how you can tap into it's power
  • How to challenge the exercise mindset, particularly if you were ever forced to do P.E in your underwear!!

In mindfulness we have a saying that "in just turning up for yourself, you are doing something in your own greatest interest".

*10 places - if you're excited to get started, book by 28th January to get your 20% discount with code: EARLYMM25

** Special Offer **

If you want to end your experience with a Wirral retreat on 6th April, look out for the add on at the checkout.  

Book my place

More Details

Why mindfulness?   

Mindfulness has been a feature of Eastern culture for thousands of years.  We are all born with the capacity to be mindful but somewhere along the way our busy minds take over.

Mindfulness is a gentle way of approaching our experience which unfolds uniquely for each of us. It allows us to start where we are, and go at our own pace simply working with the edges.


Join the Community

Once you're signed up to Just Breathe you are part of a conscious community.  We are dedicated to using a percentage of our profits  to provide education and mindfulness support to communities that don't have access.  

You also get an opportunity to contribute to our content, suggesting ideas and entering competitions. 


Typical benefits

  • There are 3 simple ways to increase our happiness hormones and on this programme we do all three by 6.15am, achieve, learn something new and meditate! 
  • Start your day feeling focused and resilient
  • Get less caught up in stress and drama to experience more peace of mind
  • Improved sleep and a general sense of well being.
  • Claw back that passion for life and begin opening up to opportunities
  •  Use the exercises to get back in touch with who you really are
  • You are guided in a safe and supported environment that encourages  compassion around all experiences and builds meaningful connections with others.   
  • Mindfulness practice can rewire the connections between the threat system and the executive function giving us greater control over our reactions.

The Experience

  • Everything you need for the experience is delivered to your door
  • Limited to just 10 people to ensure everyone is fully included
  • Starts on 26th February for 6 weeks
  • Evening sessions are Monday 8pm for an hour except for the Easter session, which will run on Tuesday
  • Evening sessions include a learning theme, a book review, and a reflection of the exercise you've been asked to complete.  You can share as much or as little as you want
  • A weekly exercise steps you through a life audit of who you really are, exploring your values, strengths and sense of purpose
  • You'll develop a tool kit for life that includes mindfulness, meditation, breath work, visualisations and affirmations
  • We'll remove the guesswork on what seem to be non tangible tools by explaining the science behind them.  
  • Mark the completion of your programme by signing up to our April Wirral retreat.

You're the first... but this is what our retreat customers are saying..

Lou Poyser

"The whole day was just incredible it exceeded all my expectations. The welcome, location, food, content, pace and overall experience was just incredible. Julie’s pace led the group along seamlessly and the tasks were perfect. The mindfulness sessions were embedded into the day for maximum effect and I left with a just had a massage feeling of chillness and contentment. Looking forward to the next retreat so much. Started my Easter holidays off perfectly. Thank you Julie.🙏"

Jacqui Woods

"Thoroughly enjoyed my mindful day retreat with Julie.
To take time out for me alongside like minded people and discover I'm not alone with my experiences was reassuring.
Julie's guided meditations left me feeling refreshed and renewed.
If you need an introduction to mindfulness then seek out Julie whose experienced, empathetic, connected and caring nature will support you into your mindfulness journey."

Laura Seymour

"I had the pleasure of attending one of these incredible retreats. I was delighted to meet some beautiful like-minded souls. The practises throughout the day were truly lovely and I came away feeling so relaxed and refreshed. Great food, amazing teacher and I look forward to many more. Laura, Editor Wirral Well Being Magazine."

Meet your guide

Mindfulness has changed my life in so many ways.  It's helped me to work with stress, deal with narcissism and to live each day in colour. 

What I love about this course is the information it provides around how our mind and body works.  These little insights really encourage us to take a step back and reflect on our inner world.

The language of the guidance also delivers a sense of safety and curiousity.

I work better with small groups and believe this creates space to talk and learn from each other without the awkwardness that might arise in larger gatherings. 



Julie has a masters degree in mindfulness from Aberdeen University and specialises in mindfulness based stress interruption and emotional resilience.  Julie qualified to teach with the British Mindfulness Association and also has diplomas in life coaching, NLP and a masters in I.T.